Seasons 1 + 2

Streaming in the US on Amazon Prime Video

Third Culture Content, founded by Sean Dulake and Chris Martin, focuses on creating content for a more interconnected world that blends cultures together in both the digital and traditional media space.

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Third Culture Content was established as a way to bridge cultures and tell organic, unique, global stories. We are focused on helping to make the world a more colorful, tight-knit community one epic, tragic, funny, heartfelt, scary, romantic tale at a time.

As third culture kids ourselves, we are always on the lookout for other cultural in-betweeners, bi-lingual bandits, and distinct, original voices of all registers who want to help create exciting new stories in any and all mediums. So if you’re looking for an adventure, we’d love to hear from you!

Artistic hybrids. Cultural in-betweeners. Global nomads.